To explain the people and the stories
That made you leave home and impelled you where,
In these far, intractable territories,
With no warning, a stranger's eyes decide
To let you in deeper to discover,
Where blinding spotlights swing and trace inside,
The trail of questions asked over and over
Again: how and why are you here with us?
That you'll not know, lover or incubus,
How you stand, whether to whisper or shout
That you had, in a probing, brief embrace,
Found love's secret; then lost it without trace.
You've travelled far, and heard wild parrots call;
Lived among people who shoot monkeys down
From trees, their darts smeared with poison,
You've made signs of peace, risked their angry spears,
And danced and drunk, with them, fermented juice;
Shared rhythms of a hundred thousand years.
But now, your diaries destroyed by damp,
You'll wonder if your journey had a reason,
If you remember what year or season
You left behind; if it's time to decamp
Again, to get back to your starting place;
Although it will, by now, be somewhere else.
Here, there'll surely be a fresh obstacle:
A beckoning mountain face, bleak and sheer
That will leave you no option but a frontal
Assault; and the need both to be there
And to have climbed it, and find a place to love
Beyond it, where beans and potatoes grow,
Such as all fucked up explorers dream of,
But which few of them will ever know.
For you there is no choice; you must move on,
Over mountains and through clouds, with just one
Consolation: everything you've known
Or possessed (when, warmed by the rising sun,
You step lightly upon your chosen track)
Is either in your head or on your back.

Each foot's a mile, each minute's a day;
In each harsh breath you feel and hear shingle
Heaving up the shore; at each crest you stay
A while, look back to see nothing at all
But mist close in around you, like a valve
You've come through; each crest a peak, peak a crest
Above it. And above that the sky's black cave
Spewing from its mouth long skeins of mist.
Best not to think much about getting there
Just to keep climbing, your mind empty,
Expecting no reward but the joy and rush of fear
As you get closer to the ever widening sky.
Then at the true summit, you stop at last
Lost in the clouds till, curtains drawn apart,
You see, as though in the future of the past,
A glimpse of light and somewhere else to start.
Getting lost's the better part of getting there;
The other half's not knowing where you were
At first; or what you may discover -
God's word, or a herb that'll provide a cure
For broken bones or dislocated minds -
As darkness wraps up the mountain face
Where you flounder, and contrary winds
Give loose advice; and confused, you tread space
And falling, wonder how long until
You land;
... find, not oblivion but snow
To cushion you, and then guess you're still
Alive in a dead world of ice and rock,
At whose heart lurk new secrets to unlock.
Again a fantastic sequence of words and picture. I particularly like 7 it has a wonderful timelessness to it.
Coffee gone cold, had to read all twice. Thankyou both.
Absolutely spellbinding work, both!
This is a new chapter in blogging. Poems and photographs go to a new level, which comes alove on screen.
which comes alive on screen
I feel when I say thanks from both of us as though I am rather arrogating the credit etc,which more than equally belongs to Joe.
However, he is modest and retiring as a collaborator, and if I don't say it for him he probably won't say it for himself!
So thanks.
Lucas, I rather liked 'alove'!
My words fail me, to express how much pleasure I get from these words, & these pictures.
Thank you Meggie, I'm very glad.
Thank you Lucy and thank you everyone for your comments. It is so good to be read and appreciated in such company.
Are you thinking of publishing these as a book?
You are both very talented people...
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